Heartland Mainland Episode 5: Caucus Day
Heartland Mainland Episode 5: Caucus Day
In the finale of “Heartland Mainland: The Iowa China Podcast,” head out to the Iowa Caucuses and flip the script on our show. After examining Iowa-China ties from our own perspective — rooted in years of experience in China and lots of research in Iowa — this time we ride along to a caucus with Kyle Munson, an esteemed Iowa columnist who did his own deep dive into China ties.
Heartland Mainland Episode 4: Made in Iowa
In the fourth episode of Heartland Mainland, we pull apart the history of Iowa’s manufacturing sector during the “China Shock” following China’s entry to the World Trade Organization. We take you to visit a local sculpture studio in Davenport, Iowa, and the owners’ decision to outsource production to China.
Heartland Mainland Episode 3: Soy Story
Iowa soybean farmer Rick Kimberley turned into an overnight celebrity in China after Xi Jinping visited his farm in 2012. But for the last two years, Rick found himself caught in the cross-fire of the US-China trade war, with Chinese tariffs on soybeans and corn taking a big bite out of his farm’s income.
In mid-January, President Trump and China signed a Phase One trade deal intended to stabilize the relationship. But is a truce in the trade war too little too late for soybean farmers like Rick Kimberley? And what happens when you force American farmers to choose sides between their biggest foreign customer and their own government?
Heartland Mainland Episode 2: The China Caucuses
In the second episode of Heartland Mainland, we dive into the tangled political ties linking Iowa and China. Those ties stretch from grassroots citizen diplomacy, to the hustle and bustle of the Iowa Caucuses, and all the way up to a trade war between the world’s two superpowers.
So how did Iowa go from the great hope of US-China relations to collateral damage in a trade war? Do personal ties count for anything in an era of rough-and-tumble geopolitics? And how are US-China relations affecting the race to become the next president of the United States?
Heartland Mainland Episode 1: Freshman Orientation
In the first episode of Heartland Mainland, we dive into the impact Chinese students have had at Iowa’s largest universities — and how these tangled ties reverberate all the way up to the White House. During the 2008 financial crisis, large public universities around the country began turning to Chinese students’ tuition dollars for revenue. That turned hundreds of thousands of Chinese and American 18-year-olds into roommates.