
After eight years, Macro Polo has ceased operations as the Paulson Institute will focus its independent research on supporting its programs as it continues to diversify its scope.

We appreciate the community that has grown around Macro Polo and the fruitful engagement we’ve had with our legion of smart and sharp audience. You’ve pushed us to deliver even more original work and innovative products. Our body of work speaks for itself, and we hope it will have a long shelf life – that was the intent from MP’s inception.

MP’s website is now archived and no new work will be published henceforth on this site. Please visit www.paulsoninstitute.org for future research and policy work on a range of global issues.

Thank you all for the support over the years, it has been a privilege to have had a home at the Paulson Institute and to have built it the way we did.

- Team Macro Polo


Squaring the Circle: How China Can Combine Growth with Deleveraging

Orlik and Chen argue that, in the past, Chinese monetary policy has always done the bulk of the work to support growth. And while this has proved to be effective, it has come at a cost. Indeed, they describe an increasingly precarious financial situation in China: bank assets have tripled since 2008 and non-performing loans at 1.3 trillion yuan ($200 billion) are now equal to 2 percent of China’s GDP. Businesses and local governments in China carry a heavy burden of debt. Repayment has been made more difficult as overcapacity has dented prices and profits.

In this context, Orlik and Chen propose policy action across three fronts:

First, they argue for a fiscal stimulus targeted at expanding public services and raising the spending power of China’s low-income households. This, they say, would provide a boost to growth and employment but without the downsides of another credit-fueled splurge.

Second, they recommend a step change in transparency that would enable China’s financial markets to operate more efficiently. By channeling more funds to high return private and services sector firms, the Chinese financial system could generate more output bang for less credit buck.

Third, they suggest steps to revive faith in China’s short- and medium-term growth prospects, combined with greater transparency of both economic data and policy thinking. These, they say, would boost confidence, creating the conditions for the People’s Bank of China to move toward a more market-determined exchange rate.

Orlik and Chen’s memo looks at each of these measures in turn, concluding with some more granular recommendations that flow from their three arguments.

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